So, amber flood warning for Didsbury, flood basin likely to be used and the Centre is closed under current lockdown rules. Meanwhile though, Harriet has provided us with a number of opportunities. The RSPB bird count is particularly good, as you get all the fun of trying desperately to remember their names or look them up on your fancy smartphone.
1) RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch Fri 29 - Sun 31 January.

Big Garden Birdwatch | Join the fun - The RSPB The dates are in! Join us for Big Garden Birdwatch 29 - 31 January 2021. Registration opens 9 December 2020! Fin...
2) RSPB Nature Calendar - helping you stay connected to nature through winter.

Connecting to Nature in Winter - Natures Home magazine uncovered - Our w... Share your passion for birds, wildlife & all things nature with the RSPB Community. Show off your images, experi...
3) lockdown learning from City of Trees

BLOG: Lockdown Learning | City of Trees As we enter another lockdown and another period of home learning, it’s important for everyone to stay active and...
Best wishes, Harriet